Call for EU Projects Workshops

for the 5th ARES EU Projects Symposium 2019

held in conjunction with
the 14th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2019)

AREs Conference

The 14th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (“ARES – The International Dependability Conference”) will bring together researchers and practitioners in the area of dependability. ARES highlights the various aspects of dependability – with special focus on the crucial linkage between availability, reliability and security. The acceptance rate of the ARES 2018 conference was ~22% (full papers only). ARES is ranked as B-conference in CORE .

The ARES EU Projects Symposium

Based on the success of the ARES EU Projects Symposiums 2015-2018 we cordially invite EU project partners to organize a workshop at the ARES EU Projects Symposium 2019 . The Symposium will be held in conjunction with ARES 2018 and will offer you the following opportunities:

  • Disseminate the results of your EU research projects
  • Meet potential project partners
  • Exchange ideas within the scientific community
  • Explore Surrey
date and sessions

The ARES EU Projects Symposium will be held within the ARES Conference 2019. Accepted workshops can hold up to four sessions (two morning and two afternoon sessions).

Important Dates
Proposal Submission Deadline February 28, 2019
(for workshops with CfP)
June 23, 2019
Conference August 26 – August 29, 2019
ARES EU Projects Symposium August 26, 2019
Proposal Submission

There are two types of workshops that can be held during the ARES EU Projects Symposium 2019:

    • Workshop with paper submissions
    • Workshop without paper submissions; this can be an
      • Open Session: researchers related to the topics that are not in the consortium can attend the session
      • Closed Session: only members of the consortium or guests invited by the workshop organizers can attend the session

Proposals should include following items :

  • Organizational Information:
    • Name and affiliation of organizers
    • Name of the project and link to its website
    • Programme
    • List of project partners that you intend to invite
    • Type of workshop (with or without paper submission); open or closed session
  • Content:
    • Project abstract
    • Short description of the planned symposium session
  • Workshops with paper submission additionally need:
    • Call for Papers (use Template CfP Workshop)
    • Program Committee
    • Planned review process (the acceptance rate should be less than 40%)

Please submit your workshop proposal until end of February 2019 (use Template CfP Workshop ) via email to ares[@] .

Please note:

  • Each person that attends the ARES EU Projects Symposium (non-authors, invited speakers, workshop organizers,..) has to pay either the ARES EU Projects Symposium 1-Day* or 2-Day** ticket or the regular registration fee*** for attending the whole conference.
  • (At least one) author of an accepted paper has to pay the regular registration by June 17 (this rule applies also for papers published in an ARES EU Project Symposium Workshop).
  • Each accepted workshop will be listed on the ARES conference website, including its Call for Papers.
  • Workshops are welcome to invite keynote speakers for their workshop (travel and accommodation costs will not be covered by the ARES Conference)

*(includes the entrance to all symposium and ARES sessions, coffee breaks, lunch and the Welcome Reception on Monday)
** (includes the entrance to all symposium and ARES sessions, coffee breaks and lunch on Monday and Tuesday, as well as the Welcome Reception on Monday)
*** (includes the entrance to all symposium and ARES sessions, coffee breaks and lunch from Monday – Thursday as well as all social events)