Call for proposals: ARES Conference Hosting
The International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (“ARES”) brings together researchers and practitioners in the area of dependability since 2006. ARES highlights the various aspects of security – with special focus on the crucial linkage between availability, reliability and security. Information about previous editions of the conference can be found on the web page (https://www.ares-conference.eu/archive/)
ARES is accepting proposals for hosting the conference 2022 or later. We therefore invite universities and research organizations wishing to host ARES to submit their proposal to the organizing committee (ares@sba-research.org). The host organization is not responsible for the academic programme. The proposed venue has to be available in the timeframe from second half of August to beginning of September including opening hours before and during the conference
Conference Venue requirements :
Lecture halls (including technical equipment) for 200 to 300 participants
- 1 lecture hall for the main track and keynotes with a minimum capacity of 200 participants
- 4-6 smaller lecture halls with a capacity ranging from 30 to 70 participants
- Wireless internet access
- Facilities for lunch and coffee breaks at the venue, close to the lecture halls
Proposals should include the following information :
Information about the Conference Venue including
- distance and accessibility of next international airports
- public transport from city center to conference venue
- floorplan of venue with indication of lecture halls, coffee and lunch break area
- Information about the city and tourist attractions
- Accommodations for participants and public transport to the venue
- Conferences which have already been organized at the venue
- Costs and pricing
Important dates
- Deadline for proposal submission: Proposal can be submitted anytime.
If you have any questions and for further details please contact Yvonne Poul (ares@sba-research.org).